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Thesis List

Book Image Title ISBN Author/s Total Copies Available opies Category Status Book Details
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of emotion focused therapy (EFT) on level of selfestemAmongAdo 0029-6503 1) Narayan Krishnaji Ghorpade

1 1 Thesis New
A study of health conciousness & self-esteem of male & female nursing employess woth special referen 0029-6503 1) Suparva Sahoo

1 1 Thesis New
A studuAssess th knowledge &Attitude of nursing students towards organ donation in K.T.Patil college 0029-6503 1) Sameer Beg 2) Pranoti Gaikwad 3) Shubham Sontak

1 1 Thesis New
A pre experimental study toAssess the efffectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding teen 0029-6503 1) Suyasha Shinde 2) Ankita Bansode 3) Rutuza Dahi

1 1 Thesis New
A Cross sectional study toAssess the psychological impact of covid -19Among the staff nursrAt distri 0029-6503 1) Prathmesh Shinde 2) Shalini Bondar 3) Om Kokil

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess knowledge regarding cokkon behavioral disorder in childrenAmong primary school teac 2229-6255 1) Mayuri Katade 2) Thenge Balasaheb 3) bhojne Rut

1 1 Thesis New
A Pre experimental study toAssess the efffectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding care 2229-6255 1) Shingade vaishnavi 2) Patil Snehal 3) Shinde Ra

1 1 Thesis New
A co-relation study toAssess the relationship between quality of life & self esteekAmong orthopedic 1)Munde Dipak 2) Andhale Pooja 3) Bahire vidya 4)

1 1 Thesis New
AnAsseddment of knowledge regarding the hazard of smoking & tambaco chewingAmongAdolescent boys of s 2230-7354 1) Saiprasad Jadhav 2) Sapna Bangar 3) Swpnali Bar

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge & pratices regarding menstrual hiygineAmong theAdolescent girls in ba 2231-1149 1)Salunke Gaytri 2) Landge Pooja 3) Munde Shweta 4

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the effective of computerAssisted planned teaching on knowledge regarding selected 2231-1149 1) Pathan Rubeena 2) Raut Ankita 3) Magar Anita 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge &Attitude regarding organ donationAmongANM students of selected nursi 2231-1149 1) vishwajeet Munde 2) Priya Terkar 3) Rutuja Sont

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the effective of video module teaching programme on knowledge regarding cardio pulm 2231-1149 1) Rathod Bhagyashri 2) Wadve Yogita 3) Zombade Ni

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the prevalence of proteion enegy mainutritionAmong the under five children of sclec 0003-5998 1) jadhav Punam 2) Jadhavar Shital 3) Khatke Sonal

1 1 Thesis New
A study to theAssess knowledge regarding prevention of road trafficAddidentsAmong the selected high- 0003-5998 1) Tamboli Sohel 2) Mane Anna

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evaluate the effect of social mediaAmong the first year basic nursing students of K. 0003-5998 1) Mali Shubham 2) Kate Shubham 3) Ambuse Sanjay

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evaluate the effect of social mediaAmong the first year basic nursing students of K. 0003-5998 1) Mali Shubham 2) Kate Shubham 3) Ambuse Sanjay

1 1 Thesis New
A study to theAssess knowledge regarding prevention of road trafficAddidentsAmong the selected high- 0003-5998 1) Tamboli Sohel 2) Mane Anna

1 1 Thesis New
AnAssessment of knowledge &Attitude regarding female foeticideAmong the pregnant women in pre-questi 0003-5998 1) Langade Saurabh 2) Londe Rani 3) Kamble Sonam 4

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess knowledge of self care ofAntenatal motherAmong theAntenatal womensAt sclected women 0003-5998 1) Attar Naushad 2) Dhaware A. 3) Dhaple Pratapsin

1 1 Thesis New
A studyAssess the prevalence of proteion energy malanutritionamong the under five children ofAnganwa 0003-5998 1) jadhav Punam 2) Jadhavar Shital 3) Khatke Sonal

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssessAwareness regarding janani suraksha yojanaAmong postnatal motherAt selected womens h 0003-5998 1) Shinde Megha 2) Shaikh Anjum 3) Kadam Bharti 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge & pratices regarding menstrual hiygineAmong theAdolescent girls in ba 0003-5998 1) Gaikwad Yogesh 2) Kharade Pooja 3) Mahankale Pr

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess knowledge regardingAlcoholism & its hazardsAmongAdolscents in selected high schools Pawar Akash 2) Shaikh Tofik

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evaluate the barrier of exclusive breastfeeding & nutritional status of non- exclusive br 1) Kendre Sunita 2) Khandre Bappasaheb 3) Kukade A

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evaluate the barrier of exclusive breastfeeding & nutritional status of non- exclusive br 2230-7354 1) Kendre Sunita 2) Khandre Bappasaheb 3) Kukade A

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evaluate the effect of social mediaAmong the first year basic nursing students of K. 2322-0260 1) Awad Neha 2) Devkate Pornima 3) Dhakane Sunil 4

1 1 Thesis New
A Study toAssess theAttitude of student nurse towards nursing professionAmong nursing third 2231-1149 1) Pawar Suraj 2) Paul Maheshwari 3) Sarne Swapnal

1 1 Thesis New
AnAssessment of knowledge regarding the hazards of smoking & tambaco chewingAmongAdolescent boys of 2231-1149 1) Tambe Adesh 2) Satpute Vijay 3) Tidke Sohani 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evaluate the barrier of exclusive breastfeeding & nutritional status of non- exclusive br 2231-1149 1) Kendre Sunita 2) Khandre Bappasaheb 3) Kukade A

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess knowledge regardingAlcoholism & its hazardsAmongAdolscents in selected high schools 2231-1149 1) Pawar Akash 2) Shaikh Tofik

1 1 Thesis New
A studay toAssess knowledge &Attitude regarding organ donationAmong the nursing students of selected 0003-5998 1) Shinde Shehal 2) Shinde Madhuri 3) Sukhale Shub

1 1 Thesis New
AnAssessment of knowledge regarding the hazards of smoking & tambaco chewingAmongAdolescent boys of 0003-5998 1) Tambe Adesh 2) Satpute Vijay 3) Tidke Sohani 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the prevalence of protcin enegy mainutritionAmong the under five children of sclect 0003-5998 1) Gawli Pavan 2) Kamble Pratik 3) Janrao Uma 4) K

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the prevalence of protcin enegy mainutritionAmong the under five children of sclect 0003-5998 1) Gawli Pavan 2) Kamble Pratik 3) Janrao Uma 4) K

1 1 Thesis New
A Study toAssess the knowledgeAndAttitude regarding organ donationAmong the nursing students of sele 0003-5998 1) Shinde Shehal 2) Shinde Madhuri 3) Sukhale Shub

1 1 Thesis New
A study to evalute the effect of social mediaAmong the first year basic nursing students of K T Pati 0003-5998 1) Awad Neha 2) Devkate Pornima 3) Dhakane Sunil 4

1 1 Thesis New
A studay toAssess the effectiveness of information education communation on knowledge regarding poly 0003-5998 1) Gore Aprana 2) Lade Mayuri 3) Jogdand Vishwjeet

1 1 Thesis New
A Study toAssess theAttitude of student nurse towards nursing professionAmong the selected nursing c 0003-5998 Langade s. 2) Mahajan B. 3) Lokhande P. 4) Kharade

1 1 Thesis New
An Expermental study toAssess the effectiveness of structural teaching programme on knowledge regard 0003-5998 1) Aidle Pratiksha 2) Bhade Rupali 3) Dhaware Priy

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAccess knowledge of post oprative pain management in childrenAmong the student nurses in s 0003-5998 Vaidy vikas 2) gholave Swati 3) Hodade Swati 4) Ka

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAccess the knowledgeAttitude regarding organ donationAmongANM student of seleceted nursing 0003-5998 1) satish Rathod 2) Mundhe Arachana 3) More Snehal

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAccess knowledge of post oprative pain management in childrenAmong the student nurses in s 0003-5998 Bhagaat Swati 2) Bikkad Rohit 3) Chavan Reshma 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAccess knowledge of post oprative pain management in childrenAmong the student nurses in s 0973-6808 Bhagaat Swati 2) Bikkad Rohit 3) Chavan Reshma 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAccess knowledge of post oprative pain management in childrenAmong the student nurses in s 0972-7914 Bhagaat Swati 2) Bikkad Rohit 3) Chavan Reshma 4)

1 1 Thesis New
A studyAccess knowledge &Attitude regarding HIV/AIDSAmong married & unmarried womens inA selected ho 0031-6849 1) Rathod Sushilkumar 2) Bhange Manisha 3)Dhaj Jyo

1 1 Thesis New
A studyAccess knowledge &Attitude regarding HIV/AIDSAmong married & unmarried womens inA selected ho 0378-6323 1) Rathod Sushilkumar 2) Bhange Manisha 3)Dhaj Jyo

1 1 Thesis New
An Desriptive study toAssess screen vewing & sleeping hoursAmong high & lowAchievers schook children 0378-6323 1) Sonawane Pranali 2) Tandale Shrikavar 3) thorat

1 1 Thesis New
An Desriptive study toAssess screen vewing & sleeping hoursAmong high & lowAchievers schook children 0029-6503 1) Sonawane Pranali 2) Tandale Shrikavar 3) thorat

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess knowdledge regarding prevention of road trafficAccidentsAmong the high school stude 0029-6503 1) Shingade Milind2) Shingare Rohini 3) Nagargoje

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess knowdledge regarding prevention of road trafficAccidentsAmong the high school stude 0029-6503 1) Shingade Milind2) Shingare Rohini 3) Nagargoje

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess Knowdledge regardingAlcoholism & its hazardsAmongAdolsents in selected high schools 0029-6503 1) Magar Suraj 2) Karale Kavita 3) Mandale Mohini

1 1 Thesis New
An Expermental study toAssess the effectiveness of structural teaching programme on knowledge regard 0029-6503 1) Gaikwad Priyjeet R. 2) Gund Sonali 3) Gadhave S

1 1 Thesis New
A Study toAssess theAttitude of student nurse towards nursing professionAmong the selected nursing c 0029-6503 1) Chavan Suruj 2) Mahesh Suryawanshi 3) Bangar As

1 1 Thesis New
A Study toAssess theAttitude of student nurse towards nursing professionAmong the selected nursing c 0029-6503 1) Chavan Suruj 2) Mahesh Suryawanshi 3) Bangar As

1 1 Thesis New
An Expermental study toAssess the effectiveness of structural teaching programme on knowledge regard 0029-6503 1) Gaikwad Priyjeet R. 2) Gund Sonali 3) Gadhave S

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge &Attitude regarding organ donationAmongANM students of nursing in osm 0029-6503 1) Mali Sham 2) Pathan Mansurkha 3) Sanap Daivasha

1 1 Thesis New
An Expermental study toAssess the effectiveness of structural teaching programme on knowledge regard 0029-6503 1) Gaikwad Priyjeet R. 2) Gund Sonali 3) Gadhave S

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge &Attitude regarding lactionAmong postnatal women in government hospit 0029-6503 Kamble Yogita 2) Kukade Ashwini 3) Naikwade Shubha

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge &Attitude regarding organ donationAmongANM students of selected nursi 0029-6503 1) Shaikh Aref 2) Kumbhar Sagar 3) Gadle Manisha 4

1 1 Thesis New
A study toAssess the knowledge &Attitude regarding lactationAmong postnanatal women in government ho 0029-6503 1) Birajdar Sidarya 2) Jadhav Akash 3) Doiphode Ro

1 1 Thesis New